March 30, 2018
Congratulations to MSP attorney Linton S. Johnson, III on his latest success in the courtroom. Lint was recently hired by a client who had been charged with a criminal violation of the Georgia Move-Over Law, which requires Georgia drivers to take certain actions when approaching stopped emergency vehicles. Lint’s client was driving her vehicle in the shoulder lane where two police vehicles had pulled over an 18-wheeler truck. One of the officers immediately got back in his car and pulled over our client to issue her a Move-Over Law citation.
Prior to trial, Lint was able to obtain a dash-cam video of the alleged infraction. After reviewing the tape and other evidence, Lint was able to present his client’s version of events to the prosecuting attorney showing that the officers were hidden from view by the 18-wheeler truck. Lint secured a complete dismissal of all charges without trial and our client was thereby spared from any wrongful court fines, license points, driving record infractions, or insurance premium increases. This case was another example of how a thorough examination of criminal charges through the eyes of trained counsel such as Lint can greatly benefit a criminal defendant.